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To avoid any formatting problem, an only plain text is allowed. Do not use any symbols, Greek letters or formatting such as superscript, subscript, bold, italics, etc.
All authors:
Please provide the full names of all authors, separating multiple authors with commas, degrees, and titles should be omitted. Mark the name of the presenting author with asterisk and use numbers to point to affiliations below. Numbers should be positioned to the right of each author name as shown in the example. Example: John P Green 1*, Richard Brown 2, Robert Black 3.
Affiliation details should be differentiated with numbers placed to the left of the affiliation. Details of all affiliations of all authors: department, institution, street, postal code, city, country.
Abstracts must be submitted in English, and cannot exceed 350 words. It should provide a concise summary of the objectives, methodology, key results, and major conclusions of the study.
To avoid any formatting problem, an only plain text is allowed. Do not use any symbols, Greek letters or formatting such as superscript, subscript, bold, italics, etc.
• Abstracts must be submitted online, via the abstract submission form, after completion of the registration process until October 9, 2024, submission after this deadline will not be accepted.
• The deadline for registration for presenting authors is October 9, 2024.
• You can re-enter the submission link at any time to view and edit your abstract until the deadline date.
• Conference abstracts will be published in Folia Neuropathologica.
In addition to invited speakers, the organizers will select maximum four abstracts for short-oral presentations, basing their selections on research area and scientific impact.